Why the Availability of a Live Chat Feature is Important for Lead Generation of Your Business

lead generation by familiarizing your availability through the tool

No matter how experienced personnel you have in hand to run your company, but without ample (or preferably growing) leads, there is no chance you can bear fruit form all your hard work and expertise.
Simply speaking, lead generation is a process of recognizing and targeting potential fresh customers, a.k.a. leads, with the aim to direct them to make successful purchases of your brand. Ideally, each business dreams to convert every online visitor into a potential and long–lasting customer. But the case is not that easy as said! Despite other promising methods, acquiring the use of a live chat tool is among the mighty options of generating healthy leads.

Familiarize your customers with the availability of your live chat feature

The online chat usage among the global customer base had risen quite drastically over the past few years: from 38% in 2009, to 43% in 2012, and around at 65% in 2015, as per the article published by Forrester. The figures easily indicate that more and more customers are now visiting websites with the intention of interacting with the company representative via the live chat medium.

By aiming the exposure of the live chat feature on your website and through search engines, the business is making it easy for customers to contact them via a direct communication channel.

lead generation by familiarizing your availability through the tool

So what are the reasons for the lead generation by familiarizing your availability through the tool?

  • Live chat greatly diminishes the users waiting time, hence an improved customer experience. Also, the more the number of live chat requests, more the burden will be off from the phone support jobs. This means the less crowded waiting lines will not frustrate the customers for longer periods to wait for support agent to cater their needs. Hence, a quicker customer dealing will tempt further customers to follow suite and acknowledge as the additional sales figures for the company.
  • Live chat elevates advertising exposure, hence, encouraging browsing of your website. Due to the fact that customers need to navigate to your website in order to use the live chat, using the feature will leave them exposed to lead producing advertisement, beneficial just in case they must have missed the crucial lead generation instance otherwise.

Take the following example for consideration:

Michael is looking to talk to a customer service rep regarding the order of a couple of T-shirts he placed last week. He correctly remembers that the company, for instance, ABC Garments Inc. through which he placed the order has a live chat icon on their website, therefore, wishing to contact the company through his preferred medium. To start the conversation with a live chat agent, Michael lands on the landing page, only to see an attractively made advertisement featuring a weekend-long sale—25% off on all the summer T-shirts collection. Michael recalls the last time he shopped through the same company, he had thought about purchasing a nice T-shirt for the upcoming hot season, but did not do anything to pursue the product. This has made Michael a lead for the company! By the time the visitor is about to initiate the live chat conversation, the agent is well-aware that Michael can become a potential customer, hence, will plan his messages accordingly.

By acquiring the use of the company’s live chat tool, Michael will be regularly exposed with the promotional content of the business, which won’t be the case if the communication had occurred through a phone call or email. After the completion of the conversation, the two-way benefit is now on the move: Michael has his questions satisfactorily answered, and the agent has registered a new customer for the business.

  • Live chat enhances the performance of the search engine. A higher dwell time among your visitors, you can effectively promote your website’s ranking in search engines, which calls for new customers and additional leads.

While the easiest way to ensure your presence is affirming is to place the live chat button on your website in a prominent area. Companies should not add chat to website just for the sake of making the live chat feature available, rather an attractive design would go well to enhance the presence and attraction of the website.