This education is much handier than standard: iPhone applications for college students


What’s up?” It’s the favorite line of the college goers who are the future of the world. College is education, now education with a difference. With the changing times the method of imparting education is changing, advancing to the height of technology. The new generation believes in working ’smart’ rather than working ‘hard’. And so the fat books, reference material and all the conventional methods of learning are a passé.

The apple i-Phone is a trend among the youth. With applications like Vocabolistic, which works as a dictionary as well as a tool to challenge your knowledge of the terms and definitions? Other applications like, Sparky which is for writing notes, Spanish Tutor, to learn the tricky language, History – Maps of the world, having detailed maps of various countries, Pocket Lawyer Lite which has terms, laws and all the material required for research for law students. All this is handier. The second things it does is, it saves time which you can utilize for other activities.

Let’s see how it is actually handier. You are given a topic to work upon a project or lets say you have a problem to solve and answers to find. This is the moment when actually these applications help. Unlock the phone – Scroll-Select and load the application-Put in your word- Search and there it is! Your work is done in seconds! Now let’s see the conventional way. Go to the library. Search for the book in which you think the answer would be there. Oh no it isn’t in here! Search for the next one and so on till the time you don’t find your answer. Searching word by word and book by book, uses your energy, drains you off after hours of working and getting the same amount of data which could be found in the applications. The former would be the way we would like to work in the 21st century, isn’t it? You’re educating yourself in minutes instead of hours. So now when you use the application for hours just imagine the amount of knowledge you gain! Owning an i-phone aids you not only in your academic existence but also in your social world. It educates you on what’s happening in the world by having apps for news and facts. According to many i-Phone users one of the best applications is Ajax bartender. Yes, bar-tending! Select Tequila, decide what you want to mix with it from the whole list of beverages. Best for those who enjoy having spur of the moment parties and fun! Then comes the most dreaded subject, Mathematics! But i-Phone comes to your rescue. The Belfry SciCalc. Let it do the calculations. You take a tin of coke and relax! Now let’s come to your textbooks. Go for e-textbooks, damn lucky aren’t you? Then comes, the app which allows you to jot down your tasks and schedule them. When it comes to academics we are forgetful aren’t we? Next is the question of app Voice Memos. Just record your lecture and play it back later when you’ve got enough sleep. The applications make life easy and also interesting. You become the master of your own deeds. The list for the applications is endless.

Well many would disagree that i-Phone application are really helpful, especially those who are worried about the machines taking over humans. For them, machines work when you make them work. Here a machine is making life easier in the midst of so much stress and worries. It is increasing the efficiency of students. Over all it implies that when you’re passing out with a degree in hand, while the previous generation knew 50 percent of the facts, now we know 80 percent! Well that’s something to celebrate isn’t it?

About the author: Alia is a gadget buff who enjoys blogging on new technology tools. Lately she has been planning to write on private home tuition singapore including home tuition singapore etc.