Steps To Drive More Traffic to Your Blog via Linkedin

Steps To Drive More Traffic to Your Blog via Linkedin

Generating higher traffic over your blog is often a daunting experience especially when you are among the novices. Most of the bloggers in their initial days really face hard time while getting good amount of traffic over their blogs and hence are seen putting loads of efforts for the same. However, as time passes, you learn the art of blogging and try out different ways of generating traffic through various means and sources. The advent of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn and its incredible amount of popularity has given enough opportunities to generate traffic for your blog. So whether you are a novice or a veteran, you have the option of leveraging from these sites to generate traffic. Today, let’s explore some of the best ways or steps to drive more and more traffic to your blog using the platform of LinkedIn in the following paragraphs:

Complete your profile

Though there are many bloggers who complain that they get a very poor response over LinkedIn but this can only happen when your profile is week. Creating incomplete or weaker kind of profiles over LinkedIn can mar the interest of people visiting you in just few seconds. If you want people to attract towards you, you need a strong profile. Make sure you complete it by 100 percent by adding your good picture in it and take this step very seriously. The more compelling and complete profile you have over LinkedIn the more people are going to visit the links you have shared over this platform. This will help you in your optimization efforts as well as anyone searching you over Google; your LinkedIn profile is the first one to pop up. In this way, with a strong and compelling kind of profile you can end up creating better chances of generating a good traffic for your blog.

Amplify your connections

The more number of connections you have over LinkedIn the more amounts of people will access your profile. Once you start taking up action over LinkedIn like updating your profile, recommending anyone, joining any group, etc. all these would appear over your home page over the first degree connections. Hence for instance, if you have around 100 connections this will increase the probability of clicking over your blog links kept on your profile every day. So keep on adding more number of connections over LinkedIn and boost the chances of being of getting people over your blog.

Join different niche groups

For any blog topic you will always find a relevant crowd over LinkedIn sharing the interest for it. To make things simple, you need to find such people that share common interest. For this, you need to click over the tab called Group Search and type the relevant keywords pertaining to your blog. For instance if you have a technology blog, which focuses on social media for people having a technology background, you need to join all such groups where you can find such people. Joining such niche groups will help in coming in touch with countless members on them especially the ones who are active over the group. If you fail to be at such groups, you simply would lag behind in harnessing such people and thus lose traffic for your blog.

Create your own group

This is among the most robust strategy, which you can try over LinkedIn. Having a group of your own can really help in driving good amount of traffic to your blog. This you can do after spending some tangible amount of time over LinkedIn. For instance, if you create any Technology related group, Mobile App over LinkedIn, you just keep inviting your friends to join the same. Every time someone is getting added to your group he or she would get the brief description of your group, your brief profile along with the URL of your blog. This will therefore increase the chances of these people joining your group and eventually getting drifted towards your blog. In this way, you have the option of people coming to your blog and thus getting a good traffic at the end.

Leverage the different LinkedIn apps and tools

LinkedIn caters a wide range of tools and applications, which can help in displaying your blog and thus motivating the sharing a number of your blog posts to the different networks. Check out for the different apps and install them to extract your blog posts over your LinkedIn profile. This will therefore boost up the visibility of your profile and thus display some of the latest insights regarding your blog.

Final word

LinkedIn remains to be among the best social media sites, which drives good amount of traffic to blogs. The above are some of the strategies to make this happen. So keep trying them and end up getting a good traffic over your blog.

About Author: Alia is an internet marketer and writer. She loves writing about technology, traveling and website Hosting. These days she is busy to write an article on play euromillions. An article on private home tuition Singapore attracts her attention.