3 Unique Educational Apps for Students


Modern classrooms experience a great renovation in all aspects due to the advanced developments in technology. There are lots of sophisticated cellphone applications adding another piece to the digital classroom atmosphere.

However, when the technology advances more, it seems like people are becoming too busy with their life to keep track of every incident, particularly in case of an average student. Students life seems to be hectic than anyone else but, there is helpful apps to decreasing busyness of students and keeping them more concentrated on their studies.



Notes may be an enemy of an average student. If you are a student, then imagine it is the first class of the day and you are totally tired because of yesterday night’s beer hangover. You cannot be listening to your teacher and on everything surrounding you. Then how can you take notes on your lessons? Here come the advantages of Evernote!

It lets you take notes on a tablet, cellphone or computer. Evernote is one of the most convenient education productivity apps that help students not only to take notes but also keep track of a database of all the notes they have put down in the past.

Apart from students, professors can also utilize this innovative apps to give notes to students and thus, saving money on paper. Hence, going green!! Besides for educational uses, Evernote can also be used to enter into shopping list, make travelling plans and bloggers can use to write their blogs and place them at a later date.



This is the most popular student productivity app since the last year. It works as a cloud computing program, allowing users to share files and data stored on their computers with another person of their choice. This is one of the handier apps for students who want to share files with other students for different reasons such as, group projects and other collaborations. One best thing with Dropbox is that it is absolutely free and handy to learn and use. Dropbox has become instantly popular as it helped lots of small start-up companies that cannot afford own cloud computing program to succeed in their business.

Today, it seems that a student does not make sense if he/she doesn’t have a Dropbox because it includes lots of users and moreover, it is totally free!!



Today, it is not an unusual thing for a person to have more than one e-mail account. People have a personal e-mail account and also an official e-mail account. Sparrow program has been developed to make all the e-mail accounts of a person productive than before.

It provides users with an efficient and pleasant mailing experience. It has great panel navigation; new threading system and many other advanced features that make users never look back to other options. Sparrow is easier, handier and more convenient to navigate than G-mail but include almost same functions of G-mail. However, one drawback with Sparrow is that it works only on iPhone and Mac’s and not on other personal computers.

About the author: Sachin is a freelance article writer who writes for number of topics like Tech, health, blogging, etc. He has also written for brands such as Protect your bubble UK which is a leading insurer of mobile phones in UK.