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8 Steps to Improve Cyber Security

Cyber security has always been a primary concern for businesses across the globe and the recent ransomware events raised the stakes sky-high. Most of the corporations now are putting all their efforts in boosting cyber defence security.

On the other hand, hackers are constantly scheming to access confidential data hence remain up-to-date with the latest technologies as they arrive. In addition, we’re dealing with more and more data that’s being shared and stored in many different ways.

Consequently, businesses need all the more awareness over the risks and countermeasures to the cyber defence security in line with the latest developments in SOC services and industry as a whole. Boosting cyber security is the only way to counter potential threats and here’re a few ways to do so

1. URL shorteners: Ban & route
If you’re wondering why sidestep the URL shorteners such as “” and other such; most of these trigger viruses in a computer and things may end up rough if that virus turns out to be a ransomware assault. URL shorteners especially in phishing emails must be avoided at all for a user has no idea where the link would redirect. Although anti-malware or antivirus tools may prevent the page from ever loading, users should be careful from their end.

2. Let the browsers https
It’s a good thing both Google Chrome and Firefox have this feature. Lots of websites have logons on http where credentials you enter are in plaintext on your network or even in general, internet routine path exposing the logons. Firefox now come with default feature to smack users accessing auto-fill on http websites. Most of the users are unaware of this and if a website has an http logon feature; it requires turning ON the security loops.

3. The asset list – Monthly update
In terms of technology as well as cyber defence security, much had changed! Insurance companies nowadays love receipts and keep the things in order and so do the police departments. Most of the web activities are being monitored just to make sure nothing like WannaCry or Petya happens again. Another way to keep things streamlined and safer on the internet is updating the credential such as passwords or a particular serial list least every month.

4. Browser certificates: Go through & delete
Yet another way to boost cyber defence measures is by ridding browser certificates. Whenever redirected, users ought to receive an error message so that they don’t take in something that arrives inevitably; in this instance a forged certificate page that reads “open-wide”. A key management system and something that provides rigorous enforcement is required.

5. Keep the workforce educated & informed
It’s important that everyone associated to the organisation is well aware about different types of cyber threats and their role in safeguarding confidential details. This can be achieved through regular training, regulating details among the peers and well-implemented plan.

6. Improve user password
All employees should be aware of the threats posed by weak passwords that are prone to crack easily by smart hackers. In fact, a Data Breach Investigating Report by Verizon in 2016 concluded that more than 63-percent data breaches are caused by weaker passwords so try going for long and variable ones. Don’t use a single password for all websites; especially social media!

7. Effective email management
While taking the bigger steps, it’s easy to miss simple things such as managing emails regularly. Make sure all the employees are careful and well-aware of the threats that occur through unidentified and malicious emails; especially those come with attachment. Don’t open or download any attachment unless you’re certain of its source.

8. Try new technology
Biometric identification such as iris and fingerprint scanner, voice and facial recognition so on are rising rapidly. Other developments for boosting up the security include User and Entity Behavioural Analytics and Endpoint Detection and Response so on. You should try these alongside the stronger password.

Now is the finally the time when you step into a larger world of cyber defence security in the wake of ransomware and other such foul play.


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