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HomeApplication8 Guidelines to Reduce Your Mobile App Development Cost

8 Guidelines to Reduce Your Mobile App Development Cost

Mobile apps may sell in the app stores for a few dollars, but the development cost of a user friendly mobile application can be thousands of dollars. Companies often decide to launch an enterprise app for iPhone or Android, but after getting the project estimation, some of them abandon the project. If you want to build an app but can’t pay such hefty amount, try to outsource the project to a good mobile app development company.

However, to reduce app development cost, you must have a proper planning. A mobile application development company may not charge you much but if you keep changing your goals during the development phase or ask him to remove a feature, the additional work can increase the overall budget. Hence, follow the tips mentioned below to reduce app development cost.

app development

  1. Before the developer starts working, you must decide the target mobile phone platforms. Don’t start building the app for iPhone and then decide to launch it on Play Store as well. This sudden change of plan will give the developer or mobile development company an opportunity to charge extra for the additional work. Tell your service provider exactly what you need to get the most affordable quote.
  2. Specify the functionality of the app at the start of the project and let the designers/developers work on your specifications. Unless it is absolutely necessary, don’t ask the programmer to add new features because modifying the UI for a completely new feature is not as simple as you think.
  3. Tell the designers that your app will be used by both mobile and tab users so that they can make the design flexible enough. If the UI looks pixilated on large screen tabs and users complain about the design disaster, you have to hire the designer once again to fix the issue.
  4. If you need a cross platform app, ask the service provider to develop it using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript because these technologies are supported by all the popular operating systems.
  5. Ensure the offline capabilities of your app. Your app may need internet connection to offer complete features but users should be able to enjoy the basic things without internet connection.
  6. If you want to push data to the smartphones, make sure that your app runs in the background as well. Consider notifications because users like an app that informs them about new updates immediately, without hitting the refresh button.
  7. Ask the developer to use a proven framework so that you don’t have to invest a lot during the testing phase.
  8. Inspect the debugging facilities of your chosen framework. Apps face technical issues from time to time and if your framework provides limited debugging support, you have to pay more money for the debugging process.
About the author: Cygnet Infotech is a leading IT solution provider company with a development center in Ahmedabad, India and a regional office in USA. We are engaged in providing premium IT services including Android Apps Development and iPhone App Development.

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